by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. To review, we saw two (2) basic themes in Matthew 24:36-51: not knowing the exact time of the coming of the Lord Jesus and the necessity of keeping watch and acting in the right manner as if he were returning right now. A third theme was also introduced in verses…
The Olivet Discourse (Keeping Watch in Mark and Luke)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. We have two (2) basic themes in Matthew 24:36-44. The first one, we discussed the last time: we simply do not know when exactly the Lord Jesus will return although we are given enough details in the signs we are to watch out for in the earlier parts of the…
The Olivet Discourse (Keeping Watch – Matthew 24:36-44)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. We have seen the close parallels of Matthew 24:32-35 with Mark 13:28-31 and Luke 21:29-33 with regard to the allegorical fig tree parable in the Olivet Discourse. We now continue with the next part of Matthew that deals with the mandate of our Lord to watch out for his return….
The Olivet Discourse (The Fig Tree Parable in the Synoptics)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. We now take up the verses in Mark and Luke that parallel Matthew 24:32-35 about the allegorical fig tree parable. We will start with the version in Mark first. The parallel Greek verses in Mark 13:28-31 are almost identical with Matthew. The 4 verses of Mark 13:28-31 closely correspond to…
The Olivet Discourse (The Fig Tree Parable – Matthew 24:32-35)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. After a 3-year pandemic pause in 2020-2022, the UPCAT was held last June 3&4 at the UP Diliman campus and other places. And Oplan UPCAT (United to Proclaim Christ As Truth), was also back! As a recognized partner of the Office of Admissions, CRL led the UP Christian Community and…
The Olivet Discourse (Heavenly Signs – Synoptics and Revelation)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. Last week we saw the very close parallels of the heavenly signs announcing the Son of Man’s coming found in Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27. We saw that 2 verses, Mark 13:24-25 corresponded to Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:26 was an abbreviated parallel to Matthew 24:30; and Mark 13:27 corresponded very…
The Olivet Discourse (Heavenly Signs – Matthew and Mark)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. Happy Shavuot/Pentecost! I am fast recovering from the “latest version” of Omicron XBB (I suppose). The symptoms are quite mild compared to my bout with another Omicron strain last January 2022. By God’s grace I will be fit for our Oplan UPCAT this coming June 3 and 4. See you…
The Olivet Discourse (Heavenly Signs – Matthew 24:29-31)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. We had seen that in Matthew 24:27-28, the Lord Jesus gives a rather transparent hint regarding his return. The sign of ἡ παρουσία τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου (“the coming of the Son of Man”) will be visible to all as it is likened to lightning blazing from one end of…
The Olivet Discourse (Before the Return – Matthew 24:23-28)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. Let us pause to review what we have studied so far. In the Olivet Discourse, we saw the verses that the Lord Jesus taught his disciples about the schedule of future events and period of the end times prior to his return. In Matthew 24:3 he was responding to their…
The Olivet Discourse (Tribulation Cut Short – Matthew 24:22)
by Ptr. Art Calaguas Shalom. Last week we saw that θλῖψις was of 2 kinds, for us believers and for non-believers; but the 2 types of tribulation may and do overlap. The prophesied θλῖψις μεγάλη (“great tribulation”) would not be just a single event but a period of time. Furthermore, this troubled period for believers…